Cupp boba tea
The Challenge
CUPP found themselves facing a crucial challenge after their marketing manager resigned, as they needed to find the right person to fill the post. Over and above this, the team had decided to bring their print distribution in-house. While they knew this choice would give them the control they needed, it also came with added costs and time commitments. Setting up in-house distribution meant acquiring equipment, training staff and optimising logistical operations
Adopstar’s Business Development Manager, Javier Reyeros, had a pre-existing relationship with CUPP’s Managing Director. As a result of a series of phone calls, virtual meetings and in-person meetings around the challenges that CUPP was facing, Javier gained a comprehensive understanding of CUPP’s challenges. He was able to assure CUPP’s management team that Adopstar was well-equipped to help them overcome these challenges. We then put together a tailored plan for how Adopstar’s products and services could effectively overcome these barriers to progress.
Initially, as a short-term solution, we took over CUPP’s marketing role. This involved providing support for all their creative endeavours and offering guidance on marketing strategy. Over and above this, we took full control of their print process and distribution. We implemented an efficient system that streamlined the delivery of seasonal campaign items to all stores.

the result
This system had a two-fold effect: firstly, all stores received their promotional materials promptly and no intervention from CUPP’s head office was needed. We thus took a massive task off their hands, managing it efficiently from design to delivery. This freed up precious time for their management team, which allowed them to focus on the expansion of their store network.
Secondly, we bridged the gap while CUPP searched for the perfect new marketing manager. Thanks to our expertise and resources, we bolstered CUPP’s marketing strategies, campaigns and creative endeavours. By providing a fresh perspective, innovative solutions and strategic guidance, we were able to improve the reach of CUPP’s marketing and make their presence more widely known in the market.
For more information or to find out what we can do for you, email:[email protected]